Rabu, 03 Oktober 2018


Hasil gambar untuk HOAX
                                    Sumber: Google Image

          Hoax adalah istilah yang biasa dipakai mengenai pemberitaan palsu atau tidak dapat dipertanggungjawabkan kebenarannya. Hoax biasanya dilakukan oleh seseorang atau oknum tertentu untuk mencapai tujuan yang diinginkannya. Hoax pada jaman sekarang banyak bertebaran di sosial media maupun internet. Dengan begitu banyaknya pengguna internet, tentu tidak sedikit yang dapat mempercayai bahwa berita yang sebenarnya adalah hoax mereka kira merupakan berita yang benar-benar terjadi.
          Berita hoax tentu saja berbahaya karena dapat memprovokasi banyak pengguna internet sekaligus untuk percaya dengan berita yang tidak benar. Berita hoax memang sengaja dibuat untuk menyesatkan pikiran banyak orang agar mempercayai sesuatu yang salah. Maka dari itu, kita sebagai pengguna internet sekaligus netizen yang budiman harus berhati-hati dalam berinternet. Kita harus bisa memilah dan tidak langsung percaya begitu saja dengan apa yang kita lihat dan dengar di internet.
          Contoh kasus hoax yang menggemparkan akhir-akhir ini adalah kasus Ratna Sarumpaet. Ia memberitakan bahwa dirinya telah dianiaya oleh beberapa orang. Padahal hal tersebut sangat tidaklah benar dan meruapakan berita bohong. Hal ini tentu saja merugikan bagi orang-orang yang menjadi korban hoax olehnya.
          Kita haruslah waspada terhadap berita-berita hoax yang banyak bertebaran di dunia maya. Apalagi dengan didapatnya data bahwa terdapat sekitar 800.000 web pembuat berita hoax di internet. Hal ini tentu harus mendapat perhatian dari pemerintah. Seperti dengan menghapus website-website tidak jelas pembuat hoax dan memverifikasi website yang telah terbukti kebenarannya dalam membuat berita.

Rabu, 26 September 2018


          I just want everyone to know about this animal. Well, this named Koala. Koala is an Indonesian word for this animal. Well, I really love this animal. You can see how cute and funny its face. I just want it, well i will call him as my pet. Oh God I really want him to be with me. I will tell you guys why I really like animal, it's because I'm a vegetarian. Which means I don't eat animal. I have a friend by the way. He really hate animals. I can say he is a meat eater because he really like meat. I don't understand why, but he killed a dog like few months ago. He always laugh at me. He always mocking me, if we cannot eat animals, then why they made of meat then? God, I really hate everytime he saying that sentence. So annoying. What was he thinking. I mean he also made of meat, then I just can eat him!! But no, his meat is not delicious. Must be stinks as him.

          Well, let's back to the topic before. I really love animals. I will never hurt them. Just imagine how if we as them. How if human killed us and eat us. Very tragic, right? Well, I know i'm so dramatic about this. Most people must be say that I shouldn't be like this. Animals and plants are made to help our lives. To be our foods, etc. But please don't do exploitation, I mean like killing animals in large number. Well, look again at that picture above. How pretty that koala is. Looks like a doll, a living doll. So cute and make me wanna squish its face, I just wanna say, let's save animals. Don't hurt them. I've seen many times about dogs or cats looking for foods and human just kicked them away. Please, they just want the rest of your dirty food. Please love them. I know sometimes animals can hurt us, like yeah i have an experience about this. My cat scratch my eye till it bleeding. Well, it was my fault. I bothered my cat like play with its tail. Well, whatever it's nothing by the way. Something I also thinking, are animals have feelings? I bet yes, they are. I've seen a dog cried one day. I don't know it's real or not because I watched it on YouTube lol.

          I also wanna tell you, I had a dog. It died long time ago. I remember I was a kid when I always playing with it, I will call 'it' as him. His name is Coco. He was really cute. But he died because someone killed him. Yes, it was my neighbour. My neighbour really hate Coco. Maybe because Coco always pooped in his yard. I know that's annoying for him, but I remember my mom always cleaned his yard. It's shouldn't be a problem, right? But my neighbour took his action on my dog. He poisoned Coco. He knew Coco likes to eat. So he put some foods with poison on them, and Coco ate those foods. Then Coco died. I cried so hard. I can't believed it! How dare he killed my dog. Rest in piece, Coco. I will always miss you and love you, forever and ever and ever. I knew and blamed my neighbour of killing my dog. But I don't have any evidence, so that's it. Seriously, I knew it was him because i was a kid that time and I was have a strong feeling about anything. Funny, right? Well sorry about my abstract writing, I was just train my English writing skills, I know it sucks but fine, at least I try :)